What is a good town to live around Ft Worth, TX area?
Me and my fiance are planning on moving after our wedding in May. We are currently living in Lubbock TX but he is from Jacksboro and I am from Houston. We want to move to an area around ft worth because I will have to commute their for work. We want to live somewhere not too expensive but a nice neighborhood that has a good community. If anyone has any suggestions we are happy to hear them thanks!
Dallas - 1 Answers
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Midlothian,TX. But it's a couple hours away from Ft. Worth. But Midlothian has the one of the best school districts in the state. I live right outside the perimeter of Midlothian, not a lot of cars going by. One down side, Last Year, this one man that was delivering newspapers for Waxachie and asked me asking that I don't like sharing aloud. They told him to find a new route. But from one night, It spread their the WHOLE town by the end of day break the next day. Moral or the story... News travels fast.
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